Dunkin Donuts (Middlesex county)
If interested please call Jeff 609-xxx-xxxx]
it was the virgins' "rich girl". ("broken mirror on the bed. he says, so what, he was going to clean it up. then he tells her, 'you don't have to be such an asshole all the time.'") |
was "anonymous" not bright? |
good luck, dearie. try not to use the "f" word during the interview. it reflects poorly on your parents. |
From: Mom
Subject: oh, you know
while you were on your mini-vacation i took the liberty of washing your bedding. but while i was in your room, i made the mistake of looking inside your closet. so now my question is: do you think it would be all right and do you think it might be time to discard your once-comfy blue doggie slippers that you've had since, oh i don't know, maybe third grade? i think they're starting to grow penicillin.
From: Mom To: Me hello. shelley secretary here. (i'm looking for a new line of work.) according to my records, you are way overdue for an eye exam. there are several doctors you can choose from (unfortunately, none of their exams include toy puppies that light up and move back and forth on a shelf across the room; nor do they offer treasure chest prizes to well-behaved 23-year-olds). still and all, you're way overdue for an eye exam. love, mum |
From: Mom To: Me RE: cat bag so now people think i'm this demented woman who sends her daughter dead leaves in a cat bag. jolie, did you not make a REQUEST for autumn leaves, since you don't have autumn in boring, barren, concrete l.a.? so dad and i walk around newton last sunday, keeping our heads down, peeling only the most special, prettiest leaves off the moist pavement. when we get back home, i spread the leaves all across our dining room table so they can dry overnight (forcing us to eat our meals on the crappy kitchen table). the next morning, i purchase this cute little trick-or-treat cat-face bag and and fill it with the leaves. i send it off to you promptly. no, wait. i send it off to you promptly PRIORITY MAIL. i'm all excited, just knowing this will absolutely cheer up little miss "how are you? not good". why don't i ever follow my first instinct: scratch the leaf thing; go to the 25% off all corduroy sale at j. jill. mom. |
To: Amy
From: Mom
Subject: Heroin
Yesterday on local news, they said it cost very little to buy heroin and its far stronger than heroin of the 60s, so I just wanted to warn you to hold your drinks and don’t let ANYONE try to convince you to try it or ANY other drug they use and deal- they’re in it for THEMSELVES.
I really love this little IM convo--thanks to Nick for the submission.
me: hey mommo
mom: what's up?
I just got back from a DMV trip...had to renew my license but they don't give it to you there anymore, they take your picture, do the vision test and then mail it to you...identity theft precaution
you must have gotten a phone call.
maybe the door bell rang.
maybe you got bored with the dmv story...plausible but unlikely given that it was full of facinating information.
maybe you are hungry and eating something.
or maybe like Gerald Ford, you might have been devoured by cannabilistic pygmies roaming Brooklyn....yes...that's probably what happened...rats.
well, I am going out to plant a bunch of perrinials that I bought and I wanted to get them in the ground before it rains..
okay...I'm really signing off...really.....
From: Mom To: Me hi, kids. we're hosting the seder this year. please let us know which saturday works best for y'all. jolie will be in l.a. so we will absolutely do a group call. (maybe she can locate the afikoman telepathetically...) |